Pelee Volcano
Mount Pelee an active volcano on the northern tip of the island and the French overseas department Martinique in the Lesser Antilles island arc Caribbean. Conical volcano composed of layers of volcanic ash and hardened lava. The Stratovolcano famous eruption in 1902 and the resulting devastation, dubbed the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century The eruption killed about 30,000 people, Most of they deaths.
It is caused by pyroclastic flows have occurred in the town of Saint-Pierre, who, at that time, the largest city on the island. pyroclastic flows destroyed St. Pierre, a town of 30,000 people, within a few minutes from the eruption eruption of only two survivors in the direct path of a volcano (with a third reported).
Louis-Auguste Cyparis safe because it is in the cells, poor ventilation prisons such as:. Léon medium-Leandre, live in the suburbs, safe, with severe burns Havivra Ifrile Da, a young girl, reportedly escaped with injuries during the eruption by taking a small boat to a cave down the beach, and later found adrift two miles (3 km) from the island, did not realize. This event marked only the volcanic disaster in the history of France and overseas territories.
Geographical setting and description
Mount Pelee is the result of a typical subduction zone. Curve formed by subduction Lesser Antilles islands, curved chains of volcanic approximately 850 kilometers long, between Puerto Rico and Venezuela, where the Atlantic meets the Caribbean plate crust Oceanic's South American Plate. Arka other volcanoes in the island is known for volcanic activity, including Saint Vincent La Soufriere, Guadeloupe, Soufriere volcano, the Soufriere Hills Montserrat, and seafloor volcano Kick 'em-Jenny.
Geological history
Volcanologists have identified three distinct phases in the evolution of mountain Mount Pelee volcano: early, mid, and modern. In the initial phase of the so-called "Paleo Pelee" level, is the stratovolcano Mount Pelee usual. Paleo-Kon Pelee consists of several layers of lava flows and volcanic debris divided. Remnants of the Paleo-con Pelee is still visible on the northern view of this volcano.
A second stage, which is now known as the middle phase, starting in about 100,000 years ago, after a long period of calm. This rate is collected by the formation of lava domes Macouba Morne, then, Morne Macouba caldera. During the middle phase, there were several eruptions that produce pyroclastic flows such as those that destroy Saint-Pierre in the 1902 eruption. About 25,000 years ago, a large Southwest sector collapse occurred, forming a landslide. This event is similar to the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980.
The modern rate of evolution of Mount Pelee has made most of the time context, with a deposit of pumis and decisions and pyroclastic flows. More than 30 eruptions have been identified over 5,000 years ago volcanic activity berapi.3, 000 years ago, following a large eruption pumis, etang Sec caldera (French for Dry Pond) is then formed. 1902 eruption took place in the crater etang Sec. This eruption formed many pyroclastic flows and produce domes that meet the following kaldera. Eruption in 1929 formed a second dome in the caldera Sec etang, and produce pyroclastic flows of water that flows into the Blanche River valley. This last eruption is mainly responsible for the current condition of Mount Pelee.
1902 eruption
1902 eruptions |
Before the tragic 1902 eruption, in the early summer of 1900, signs of increased activity present fumaroles Etang Sec (Causeway Dry) crater near the summit. freatik relatively small (steam) eruptions that occurred in 1792 and 1851 is evidence that active and dangerous volcanoes. Indigenous population, the Carib people, know as the "mountain of fire" from the previous eruption at the time of his kuno.Gunung Pelee eruption began
on 23 April 1902 In early April, excursionists recorded appearance emit sulfur vapors from fumaroles near the summit. This is not considered significant, as fumaroles have appeared and disappeared in the past.
in the 23th of April the mountain ash cause light rain in the south and west sides, with sharp ground shaking.
On April 25 mountain emitted a large cloud containing stone and ash from the top, where the Etang Sec caldera located. Released material is not causing substantial meaningful damage.
On date of 26 April, the area was dotted by volcanic ash from the eruption of the next; public authorities still do not see a reason for wory.
On date of 27 April excursionists several peaks up to find the Etang Sec is filled with water, forming a lake 180 m (590 feet) across. There are 15 m (50 ft) high volcanic cone built on one side of the debris, feeding the lake with a stream of boiling water. Sound like a pan with boiling water came from underground. A strong smell of sulfur is the whole city, 6.4 km (4.0 miles) away from the volcano, causing discomfort for men and.P horses.
On 30 april river Riviere des Peres Roxelane and swollen, with showers of stones and trees from the mountain top. Village of Sainte-Philomène Prêcheur and ash.
At stream 11.30pm on the date of May 2, the resulting explosion of hard volcanic, earthquake, and great columns of thick black smoke. Fine ash and pumice covered the entire north of the island. This boom extended at intervals of 5-6 hours. This results in a local newspaper Les Colonies to postpone indefinitely the proposed picnic in the mountains, originally planned for May 4. Animals died from hunger and thirst, as sources of water and food contaminated with ash.
On Saturday, May 3 north wind blows the ash cloud, reducing the situation in Saint-Pierre. The next day intensive ash fall, and communication between the district of Saint-Pierre and Prêcheur decided. Ash clouds so dense that fear offshore boats to navigate through it. Many people decide to move, steamship lines to fill capacity. The area was covered with a fine layer of ash, flour, such as white.
On Monday, May 5 mountain seemed to be quite calm, but, at around 13:00, the sea suddenly receded about 100 meters (330 feet) and then rushed back, flooded parts of the city, and a large cloud of smoke to the west of the mountains appeared. A Etang Sec crater wall collapse and push the mass of boiling water and mud or lava, the Blanche River, flood Guerin sugar works and planting about 150 victims under 60 meters (200 feet) to 90 meters (300 ft) of mud. Refugees from other areas rushed into Saint-Pierre. That night, the atmospheric disturbance off the power grid, the city sank into the darkness and add the following confusions.
The next day, at about 2 PM, heard loud noises from the depths mount.
1902 eruptions |
On Wednesday, May 7 at about 4:00, the mountain improve its activities ; ash cloud caused many lightning bolts in the vicinity of volcanic peaks, and the second crater reddish orange glow at night. Throughout the day, those who leave the city, but more people from outside the city is trying to seek refuge in the city, increasing the population by several thousand. Newspapers are still claiming the city is safe. The news of the Soufriere volcano erupted near the island of Saint Vincent to convince people that the internal pressure of the mountains is good. Not all people feel calm, though; Captain Marina Leboffe, from Orsolina barque, left the port with only half of the sugar cargo is loaded, even if the sender protest, refused permission by the port authorities, and the threat of arrest, as well as many other people reject out of town. However, Governor Louis Mouttet and his wife live in the city. At night, the tremor appears serene mountain.
Current Status
In 2010, the volcano is quiet moment on Saint-Pierre and Martinique. Before the eruption, in 1902 as the beginning of the summer of 1900, signs of improvement fumaroles activity present in the Etang Sec crater (Scarth, case. 30). Small relative freatik (steam) eruptions that occurred in 1792 and 1851 is evidence that the active volcano. Signs of unrest will almost certainly lead each activity of Mount Pelee eruption of the future, and past activities (including the massive removal of carbon discovered) is the most important factors to hazard assessment. Pelee is one of the most active volcanoes in the West Indies and the possibility to erupt again. Today, Mount Pelee is under continuous surveillance by the geophysics and volcanologists (IPGP). City of Saint-Pierre was never fully rebuilt, though some villages grow in its place. Estimated population of the Commune of Saint-Pierre in 2004 is 4544.
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