

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

2010 Eruption Of Merapi Volcano

The 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi began in late October 2010 
when Mount Merapi in Central Java, Indonesia has begun a series of increasingly violent eruptions that have continued in November. Seismic activity around the volcano has increased since mid-September onwards, culminating in repeated explosions of lava and ash. Great eruption column format, causing numerous pyroclastic flows down the slopes of the volcano densely populated. Eruption of Mount Merapi has been informed by the authorities of being the highest since 1870.
More than 350,000 people were evacuated from the affected area. However, many stayed or returned to their homes, while the eruption continues. 353 people were killed during the eruptions, because many of pyroclastic flows. The plumes of ash from the volcano has also caused major disruption to air travel in Java.
The mountain continued to erupt on November 30, 2010. On December 3, 2010, the official alert level has been reduced to 3, level 4, since eruptive activity had ceased.

Volcanic eruptions

Recent history

In late October 2010 the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Geological Agency (CVGHM), (Pusat Vulkanologi Mitigasi Bencana and geologists, geologists Badan-PVMBG) reported that a pattern of increased seismicity Merapi began to emerge early September. Observers Babadan to 7 km (4.3 miles) west Kaliurang and 8 km (5.0 miles) south of the mountain said they heard a rush of September 12, 2010. The September 13, 2010 white feathers showed increase up to 800 meters (2,600 feet) above the crater. Lava dome of inflation, said in March, increased from background levels of 0.1 mm (0.0039 inch) 0.3 mm (0.012 in) per day for a rate of 11 mm (0.43 in) per day, Sept. 16. The September 19, 2010 continued to be numerous earthquakes, and the next day CVGHM raised the alert level 2 (on a scale of 1-4). [8] Mount Merapi lava began to flow down the river Gendol October 23 to 24 signaling the likelihood of an imminent eruption.
On October 25, 2010, the government of Indonesia has raised the alarm on Mount Merapi to its highest level (4) and warned people living in areas threatened to move to safer ground. People living within a 10 km (6.2 miles) from the area told to evacuate. Evacuation orders affecting at least 19,000 people, but the number remains unclear with respect to time to the authorities. Officials said about 500 volcanic earthquakes were recorded in the mountains during the weekend of October 23-24, and that the magma had risen to about 1 km (3300 feet) below the surface due to the activity seismic.

Chronology of eruptions

Monday, October 25

Merapi erupted three times late on Monday, spewing lava, its southern and southeastern slopes. Three major eruptions have been recorded at 14:04, 14:24 and 15:15 local. On this day, 222 volcanic and seismic events of avalanche earthquake of 454 events were recorded by the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation team monitoring Merapi.

Tuesday, October 26

The eruptions began on Tuesday at 17:02. At 18:54 the pyroclastic activity had begun to decrease after 12 eruptions of events are recorded by the monitor CVGHM. 232 volcanic seismic events, 269 earthquakes avalanches, earthquakes, four lava flows and clouds of heat in June were recorded within 24 hours on 26 October. The eruptions have been classified as explosive events of volcanic material ejected by the explosions, flames visible and pyroclastic flows of hot air. A column of smoke rose from the top to a vertical distance of 1.5 km (4,900 m) from the summit of Mount Merapi. The first casualties occurred on this day.

Friday, October 29
On Friday, the eruptive activity includes the expulsion of lava, with clouds of hot ash that flows to be reported within 3 km (1.9 miles) along the slopes of the mountain and the duration of four to nine minutes. Ash fall reached on the city of Magelang in Central Java. Scientists monitoring the volcano from Surono, head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG), has expressed optimism that the volcanic activity should decrease after the release of lava. Safari Dwiyono, a scientist monitoring Mount Merapi for 15 years, said that volcanic activity appeared to decrease the pressure behind a lava dome that had formed in the crater. The International Red Cross reported that the October 29, 7:23 to 21:40, from Merapi pyroclastic flow hit Lamat, Senowo River, the river and Krasak

Saturday, October 30

On the morning of Saturday 30 October, the volcano is erupting again. Sri Sumarti, head of the Merapi Volcano Research and Technology of the institution (BPPTK), said the eruptions were stronger and stronger than those of 26 October. Ash from the eruption on 30 October fell more than 30 kilometers (19 miles) away and now includes ash falls in the city of Yogyakarta. The soldiers and police sent closer to the volcano were seen fleeing along with hundreds of residents who quickly clogged roads with cars and motorcycles. The black soot fell over a large area. The eruptions lasted 22 minutes in the morning, while clouds of heat flowing into rivers and Boyong Krasak and rose 3.5 km (11,000 feet) in the air, drifting westward Magelang. Adisucipto Yogyakarta airport was temporarily closed 5:00 to 7:00. Later that day, Subandrio, head of the BPPTK suggested it would be more eruptions of magma continued their way to the volcano's lava dome. A river flowed from Merapi pyroclastic new October 30, 2010 at 00:35. A pyroclastic flow is directed toward Gendol, Kuning River, Rio Krasak, and Boyong river. This was followed by an explosion resulting in a mile Merapi two balls that rises vertically from the top of the mountain on fire. This eruption caused the rain to fall on a sandy area within a radius of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the volcano. The activities of the government and NGOs in Indonesia Red Cross and Red Crescent (SMEs) in the meantime had deployed 398 volunteers from branches in the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. These volunteers assisted in the dissemination of information to the community to warn of level IV Merapi volcanic activity. SMEs also provide meals for 1,000 people displaced Dompol. One SME volunteers tutur Priyanto had died on October 26 tracks.

Monday, November 1

The Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation observation posts on Mount Merapi began observing and ended at 00:00 at 06:00 and reported no significant visible activity. Merapi spit hot clouds in the afternoon. Sulfatara smoke was visible from several places and avalanches observed.Mount Merapi erupted at 10:10 local time on Monday morning, spewing hot clouds and masses of dark cloud to the east, interrupted by loud explosions. Lt. Col. Soekoso Wahyudi, head of the military district command Boyolali was reported by Antara news, saying the explosions in this case were stronger than the afternoon of Sunday 31 October. The hot clouds descend from the slopes of the mountains and moved eastward. The local military commanders and police officers deployed on the roads in areas around the mountain to regulate the traffic had become clogged with vehicles and people rush to leave the danger zone. Reports Klaten, Sleman and Boyolali districts suggested volcanic explosions were so strong that caused panic and struggle for shelter. Heat and hot ash clouds Merapi continued to operate throughout the day. A dense cloud of ash from the eruption has been reported an increase of 1.5 km (4,900 m) in the air. The Darwin VAAC reported that an eruption on November 1, produced an ash cloud that rose to an altitude of 6.1 km (20,000 ft) above sea level, according to land-based relationship analysis of satellite images, and Web camera view. The WHO has reported that Mount Merapi spit out clouds of hot gas and ash again in the morning Monday, November 1, 2010 at approximately 10:05 local time. The clouds of hot ash and gas rose to 1.5 km (4,900 m) in the atmosphere before returning to cascade to 4 km (2.5 miles) around the slopes of Merapi. A steady stream of clouds of smoke were sent into the air for 40 minutes, south to a river near Sleman regency, and brought about 2 million cubic meters of rock and earth from the summit. From the previous eruption, Crisis Center of the Ministry of Health reported 42 people died and 103 people were admitted to various health centers, with respiratory problems and burns. 70,143 people were reported to have been displaced. Health problems among the displaced population including acute respiratory infection, eye irritation, headache and hypertension. Ground transportation over 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the restricted area was not interrupted. Air transport was affected for flights from and to Yogyakarta and Solo.

Tuesday, November 2

On November 2, several airlines, including Garuda, AirAsia and SilkAir international flights to Yogyakarta and Solo were either suspended or diverted because of eruptive activity. CVGHM reported 26 pyroclastic flows on 2 November.

Wednesday, November 3

On 3 November heat clouds traveled 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the eruption, forcing the government to evacuate people from within the previously established refugee camps to accommodate those already displaced by the volcano. At noon on November 3 CVGHM report said that 38 pyroclastic flows occurred during the first 12 hours. An observer at Kaliurang seen 19 of these 38 flows along 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) south. The pyroclastic flows plumes rose to 1.2 kilometers (0.75 miles), through a thick fog made visual observations difficult. The ash was observed in some adjacent areas.
Eruptions in the afternoon, followed by an eruption in the morning that sent clouds of hot gas along the slopes of the volcano. The volcano spewed clouds of ash and gas 5 km (16,000 feet) in the sky for over an hour. Wednesday's eruptions have been reported to be the largest since the eruption began. Surono announced it was moving away from the top of the shelters. Speaking to the Metro TV Indonesia, said: "This is the first time that the eruption has continued for over an hour, so we decided to move the shelter to 15 km (9.3 miles) away from the summit." The shelters were created prior to 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). Surono added that the energy from the eruption of November 3 is three times that of the eruption for the first time last week. Bambang Ervan, a transport ministry spokesman, said an official warning was issued to all airlines to "use alternative routes for safety reasons due to volcanic ash."

Thursday, November 4

Heavy rains on the night of November 3 to 4 caused lahars with mixtures of water and rock debris along the cascade Kuning, Gendol, Woro, Boyong, OPAK Krasak and rivers on the slopes of the volcano. A bridge was destroyed and damaged levees. The eruption at 5:55 was reported as five times stronger than the initial outbreak of October 26, 2010. On November 4, Merapi had erupted for 24 hours straight. Heat clouds from 600 to 800 ° C (1112 to 1472 ° F) spread over 11.5 km (7.1 miles) from the crater to reach the edge of the 15-kilometer (9.3 mile) exclusion zone and lava rivers flowing into the mountain. Herry Bakti Gumay, Director General of Air Transportation, said Nov. 4 that the notice issued to all airlines in Yogyakarta would not rise until conditions return to normal.

Friday, November 5

Merapi erupted with force early Friday. Volcanic ash has been reduced to Cangkringan district and 10 km (6.2 miles) from the crater. Due to continuous eruptions of large, extended security zone BNPB within 20 kilometers (12 miles) and the Yogyakarta airport was closed again for 3 hours in the morning. Residents who were within 15 km (9.3 miles) from the summit was asked to leave and seek a safer place. Eruptions, volcanologists reported Friday, November 5 to be the largest since 1870 and officials from the speaker announced that the danger zone of the mountain had been extended to 20 km (12 miles) from the crater. Bronggang, a village 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) crater was seen ash-covered streets up to 30 cm (12 inches) deep. At this time, more than 100,000 people were evacuated and the scientists who follow the events, withdrew from their positions at a safe distance. [35] The Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Center for Volcanic Ash Advisory (VAAC) issued a code red on Volcanic Ash Advisory and Aviation reported MTSAT-2 satellite image derived from the information indicating a volcanic ash cloud (55,000 feet (17,000 m) - FL550), which extends 190 nautical miles (352 kilometers (219 miles)) in the west and south-west of the mountain.

Saturday, November 6

The Centre for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation reported observation outposts intensive ash fall on the slopes of Mount Merapi. At 23:51 a burst of smoke, the winds of hot air and flames as high as 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) occurred in the west, north and east. The volcanic activity of the day was very high, with clouds of hot ash sequential mountain erupted. The alert level remained at level 4 of the exclusion zone and the officer had a radius of 20 km (12 miles) from the summit of Mount Merapi.

Sunday, November 7

On Saturday, the Indonesian president on November 7, "Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has opened a limited cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace, the great house of Yogyakarta to meet the emergency response to the eruption of Mount Merapi. During the meeting, reaffirmed its support for the Badan Nasional Koordinasi Penanganan Bencana-(Indonesia Disaster Management Office) and its administration and control of disaster response. at 03:02 clouds of hot ash and rivers flowing in the direction of Gendol Woro. Earthquake and volcanic hot ash cloud events were reported to have risen the day before. The JakartaGlobe reported that Merapi continued to spit deadly pyroclastic flows and clouds of ash and superheated gases. At least 135 people have died in their slopes during the previous two weeks, and authorities were still struggling on Sunday to help the wounded from the massive eruption on Friday. Police parked on the tracks complained they were having great difficulty to prevent people from entering the area exclusion and risking their lives on the slopes of the mountains.

Monday, November 8

Air Transport Department Director General Herry Bakti November 8 announced that flights in and out of Sukarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta returned to normal. Government vulcanologist Surono said gas and ash rose to 4 km (13,000 feet) in the air on Monday as the volcano continues to erupt, "Merapi eruption has not stopped since 3 November. State E 'flow but tends to be in the range of high intensity. "

Tuesday, November 9

The eruption that began on Friday continued a day with less intensity, as more bodies were recovered from the villages destroyed by pyroclastic flows.
On November 9 announced that BNPB considers the eruptive activity of 2010 have surpassed the activities of the mountain erupted in 1872. Based on historical documents, the eruption of Merapi was recorded in 1872 for 120 hours, while the eruption of 2010 and had submitted five days incessant activity from Thursday through Nov. 4 and Nov. 8 broke more than 120 or more hours without stopping. Subandriyo, head of the Volcano Technology Research and Development Institution (Balai Teknologi Penyelidikan give Pengembangan Kegunungapian) (BPPTK) in Yogyakarta, has revealed that clouds of hot ash during the eruption of 138 years ago had a maximum range of only 11 to 12 km (36.000 to 39.000 feet), while the actual eruptions were reaching 14.5 kilometers (48,000 feet). The Centre for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) geological agency, bureau chief, Dr. Surono November 9 announced that during the hours of 06:00 to 00:00 eruptions were continuing with sequential volcanoes, earthquakes , trembling avalanches in the fast moving clouds were still on the road, about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) south-west. Yogyakarta residents and displaced persons were reminded that the threat of pyroclastic clouds of ash and lahar flooding remained. The citizens of Yogyakarta was also reminded to observe the instruction to remain outside a radius of 20 km (12 miles) from the summit of Merapi.
On 9 November, an earthquake of magnitude 5.6 was felt in Yogyakarta. Reports of the Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), the detailed tectonic earthquake, measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale as (SR) in 14:03:27. The epicenter was 125 km (78 miles) south-west of Bantul, precisely at 8.98 south latitude (LS) and 110.08 east longitude (BT) to a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) . [44] [45] the quake's epicenter was at sea and has a potential tsunami. This type of tectonic earthquakes are derived from volcanic activity of Mount Merapi. [6] On the night of November 9 was an explosion of ash reaching up to 1.8 km (5,900 ft) vertically.

Wednesday, November 10

On November 10, 2010 the intensity of the eruption there was a reduction of ongoing activities, but still high stillmitting clouds and volcanic heat. The exclusion zone was maintained at 20 kilometers (12 miles)

Thursday November 11

Based on the results of visual and instrumental monitoring CVGHM (PVMBG), Nov. 11 in the activities of Mount Merapi has been found to remain high, with showers of ash and heat clouds extends to 3 km. Under these conditions, the state of volcanic activity remained at a dangerous level (level 4) with a constant danger of clouds of hot air and lava. Reports of CVGHM (PVMBG) on 11 November, eruptive activity has been observed to continue but at a lower level of intensity. Seventeen avalanches were recorded with an eruption of hot ash and volcanic earthquakes. The volcano has remained level 4 alarm with a recommendation of a "Warning" in the pipeline. The refugees were held at a distance of 20 km.

Wednesday, November 17

CVGHM Relations (PVMPG) eruptive activity through clouds of hot air, plumes of smoke, volcanic avalanches and earthquakes continued for 16, 17 and 18 November. Gray and white smoke was reported that emerges from Merapi, with columns of smoke rising to 1,500 meters (4,900 feet). Emissions of smoke continued to drift south and southwest of the mountain. Based on monitoring and evaluation by CVGHM (PVMPG) the activities of Mount Merapi was still considered to remain at a high level, Nov. 18. The state of activity of the volcano remained at Alert Level (Level 4). The threat of imminent danger of eruption has continued to be attributed to clouds of hot air and ash (awanpanas) with indirect threats attributable to the expulsion of lava.

At the end of November

In late November, Mount Merapi is still on alert due to threats in the form of hot clouds and lava. Eruptions continue to be reported by PVMPG November 26, but are presented with a reduced frequency in those early months. The PVMPG still establish the conditions on the status of Merapi to WARNING (level 4). The immediate danger of Mount Merapi is still clouds of hot ash eruptions and indirect threats as lava and lahars. Exclusion zones that are recommended was maintained between 5 and 20 km.
The mountain was still erupting November 30, 2010 and was the official alert level remained at 4.


Friday, December 3, 2010, the head of the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Dr. Syamsul Maarif, M. He, accompanied by the Director of the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation CVGHM (PVMBG), Dr. Surono made a joint press statement BNPB command in Yogyakarta. As of December 3, 2010, at 09:00, CVGHM (PVMBG) reduced the status of Mount Merapi precautionary alert level (level III). They explained that with this level of alert to the potential of the clouds of hot ash and incandescent material was ejected. The geological agency provided a series of recommendations, including that there would be community activities in areas prone to disasters and called for a permanent exclusion zone of 2.5 km (1.6 miles).

Lava Dome Deformation

During the last week of October 2010 deformation measurements were performed by electric distance measurement (EDM), the use of reflectors mounted around the top of Mount Merapi. The measurement results indicate a rapid increase in the rate of growth of the dome of lava accumulation events eruption of 25-26 October 2010.
In late September 2010, the maximum inflation rate of Mount Merapi lava dome was measured by EDM to a growth rate of 6 mm (0.24 in). The rate of inflation until next October 21, 2010 amounted to 105 mm (4.1 inches) per day. The inflation rate then a sharp increase, reaching 420 mm (17 inches) per day on October 24, 2010. [53] On 25 October, the average growth rate, measured by six points in EDM October 24 to 25 had increased to 500 mm (20 inches) per day.
The information gathered at the site indicated that the relaxation of the slopes of the mountain was much faster during the current event compared to that observed during the 2006 event.
On 26 October, the director of the Indonesian Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Surono, reiterated his earlier claims that the biggest concern was pressure building behind a massive lava dome that has formed near the tip of crater. "Energy is building .... We hope that will be revealed little by little," he said. "Otherwise, we are looking for a potentially huge eruption, bigger than anything we've seen in recent years." Surono also said said the loosening of the slopes of the mountain was much faster this time, indicating a greater accumulation of gases and the eruption so much more explosive, and speculated that the Merapi may erupt explosively , as it did in 1930, and not just expel gas eruptions in 2006.
At November 5, after a week of constant eruptions, experts monitoring Merapi has reported that "puzzled" that, despite earlier predictions that the next eruption, the initial explosion in the previous week will relieve the pressure behind construction of a dome of magma, but the intensification of the eruptions. An estimated 50 million cubic meters of volcanic material was released on November 5. "It was the highest in at least a century," said Gede Swantika, a volcanologist at the state, commenting on the eruption of November 5, as columns of smoke rose over 10,000 meters (33,000 feet).
On November 17 Dr. Surono, head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Management Agency CVGHM (PVMBG) reported that Merapi was still spewing ash and rocks. "Most of the initial eruption spewed ash to the south of Yogyakarta Sleman, but now blowing from the west of Magelang, Central Java," said Surono. Successive eruptions was not as strong due to the formation of three new washes openings in addition to the main crater. This has helped reduce the intensity of the eruptions. "If you look at the top of the mountain at night, you will notice three small bright spots," said Surono. "That's really a good sign because it means that the volcano is releasing all its stored energy more quickly."


On October 26, at least 18 people, including a two months old, were found dead from burns and respiratory failure due to ash from the eruption. Thousands of people were evacuated to 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) around the volcano.
For Wednesday, October 27 the death toll had risen to at least 25. The death toll includes an elder, Mbah Maridjan (Marijan grandfather), the volcano known as the spiritual guardian, who was found dead at his home about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from the summit. The Kraton Yogyakarta later confirmed his death. The exclusion zone of 10 km (6.2 miles) was in force at the disposal of the volcano and a constant search and rescue operations continue in place, in an attempt to identify other victims of the eruption the day before.
Thereafter, the revised budget of up to 30 people enrolled in Yogyakarta Dr. Sardjito hospital with 17 hospitalized, most with burns, respiratory problems and other injuries. Prior to October 27 two of the 28 bodies had been identified in the hospital. Yuniawan Nugroho, an editor with news portal, is reported to have been killed in the course of reporting on the night of Tuesday, October 26 the other was later identified as Indonesia tutur Priyanto, a 36 year old man working for the Red Cross volunteer in the mountains. Tutur Priyanto was recovering and escorting residents from the slopes of the mountain. After making numerous trips back to an additional rise at 15.00 to help others down the mountain and died during a subsequent eruptions. The National Disaster Mitigation in Indonesia, said the agency at 10:00 am on Nov. 1 that 38 people were killed and 69,533 evacuated Merapi eruption began on 26 October. The victims came Sleman district, Yogyakarta, where 37 people (including 25 men and 12 women), and 1 child died. Indonesia volcanology agency has warned that flights around Yogyakarta may be disrupted.
On the evening of November 5, Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency reported 122 deaths attributable to the eruptions of Merapi, most residents of Sleman, Daerah Istimewa, Yogyakarta. In the report presented to 15.00 additional victims who died Nov. 5 has contributed up to 64 people in total, including mainly the residents of Sleman, Yogyakarta (DIY). They died from heat exposure of the clouds of Mount Merapi on Friday at 01:00 am. 151 other people were reported injured admitted to four hospitals in Yogyakarta. Dr. Sardjito hospital had 78 people, the Bethesda Hospital had 6 people, 35 people Suradji the hospital, people Tirtonegoro 7 and Sleman Rapih hospital Pantyhose 25 people. Most of the victims died of heat in the clouds at about 8 kilometers (5.0 miles) from the summit. [64] Bronggang, 14.5 km (9.0 miles) from the crater, was designated a safe area. The soldiers joined rescue operations there, pulling at least 78 bodies from the houses and streets covered by ash 30 cm (12 inches) deep. The people there were killed when clouds of hot ash from the crater had traveled through the mountains of pyroclastic flows, with speeds up to 100 km (62 miles) per hour and wrapped his people. The injured were removed on a stretcher with a pile of clothes, blankets and mattresses to their skin melted by heat. Many of the dead on November 5 children were Argomulyo village, 18 kilometers (11 miles) from the crater, according to emergency response officials and witnesses. On November 5, complete emergency response operations have been announced, under the unified command of Syamsul Muarif, the head of Indonesia's National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), in collaboration with the Governor of Yogyakarta, the Governor of Central Java, commander of the Diponegoro, IV, Central Java military, Central Java police chief and police chief (Polda-DIY-National Police) in Yogyakarta.
On the morning of November 6 BNPB reported victim. At that time there were 198,488 refugees, 218 people were injured and 114 people were recorded as killed. All the victims were from the districts of Sleman, Magelang, Klaten and Boyolali.
The JakartaGlobe reported November 8 that at least 135 people died on the slopes of Merapi over the last two weeks, and that the authorities were struggling Sunday to help the wounded from the massive eruption on Friday. The bodies of four members of the Disaster Response Team of Indonesia have been found in the slopes of Mount Merapi, on Monday, November 8. A Search (SAR) and the rescue team found the bodies near the barracks at 06:00 Glagaharjo. The building was destroyed by a volcanic mudslide recovery in yields second of the game. The team has reportedly recovered four bodies and see each other. Other people Banjarsari body was found by an Army Special Forces (Kopassus) team. However, emergency officials had to withdraw as eruptions made their presence felt on the runways too dangerous. A cloud of hot ash from an eruption has forced the SAR team to leave the area with only a corpse, while the other three bodies were left behind. The Jakarta Globe, citing the Antara news agency reported the same day for a total of six bodies of members of the Disaster Response Team disappeared were recovered in the village of Glagaharjo in Sleman, Yogyakarta. The bodies of two other members of response teams, known as Tagana were still found or recovered. The victims had been missing since Thursday and is presumed dead.
Monday November '8 Dr. Surono, head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) reminded volunteers and rescuers eruptive activity remains high. Volunteers are reminded to be aware of the danger presented by deadly pyroclastic clouds and were encouraged to focus on helping those living in shelters for refugees rather than be concerned about the disposal of the dead from the mountain. It was clarified by Dr. Surono special forces, only the specialized equipment for search and rescue, and police should be involved in these highly dangerous activities. Nine more victims died from the eruption of Mount Merapi further Yogyakata Sardjito hospital doctor on Monday 09 November, bringing the total number of deaths rather than 97, with 103 victims still being treated in hospital.
The death toll was reported that more than 153 by November 09, reported at least 320,000 people have been evacuated to emergency shelters. A hospital has recorded over 12 bodies brought to the mortuary on 09 November, including seven out of a destroyed village. Five other people were being treated for burns died.
The Agency for National Disaster Management announced Nov. 11 that the death toll after the first eruption on October 26 had risen to 194, three quarters of the scorching hot flashes during the largest eruptions and included deaths respiratory problems, seizures, heart disease and related outbreaks.
The number of people killed by the eruptions had risen to 275 by November 18. The National Disaster Management announced the death toll had risen after the more than a dozen victims succumbed to their injuries, most of which come from severe burns. Most of the 275 people were reported killed by clouds of burning gas and respiratory complications, burns and other diseases related to the eruptions. Some of the victims died in traffic accidents and other in panic during the exodus from the mountains. On 22 November, the death toll had risen to 304 on November 24 the budget increased to 324. Syamsul Maarif, director of the National Disaster Mitigation (BNPB) said the death toll had risen after a certain number of the victims succumbed to severe burns and other organs are on the slopes of the volcano. To 03 December, the budget had increased to 353.

Civil Impacts

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono arrived in Yogyakarta, on the night of Friday, November 5 and had left his command post in the Gedung Agung, the presidential residence 30 kilometers south of the volcano. Yudhoyono said he had also assigned Agung Laksono, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, to coordinate aid from central government. The brigade to mobilize an army to build makeshift hospitals and public kitchens to serve the growing number of displaced persons. The President also announced that the coordination of disaster mitigation for the eruption was responsible for Syamsul Maarif, the head of the National Disaster Mitigation (BNPB). "In terms of scale and continuity of the disaster, I decided that the command is now in the hands of the BNPB head with the help of Yogyakarta and Central Java governor, military commander and police chiefs Diponegoro Central Java and Yogyakarta , "he said, adding that the decision was effective from Friday.
The alert level for the volcano has remained at level 4. On 6 November, the official exclusion zone was within 20 km (12 miles) from the summit of Mount Merapi. The refugee camps that were previously in a radius of 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) have been re-located to ensure positions added burden of logistics and delivery of basic needs to people displaced by evacuations.
At 7, due to volcanic eruptions and ash falls around November of Central Java, the price of many vegetables, like potatoes and water spinach have been reported as increasing. Schools were closed reported up to 120 km (75 miles) west of Yogyakarta.
On November 8, on a directive of the President and Prime Minister of the UAE UAE Authority Crescent (Red Cross) has responded to calls by officials in Indonesia to help the people of Yogyakarta and is providing a field hospital. The head of the medical services of the Ministry of Interior, UAE Brig. Salem Al-Junaibi should be composed of medical and administrative staff will be created in more than 20 km 'safe area' of the mountain.
Acute respiratory infection, hypertension and headache hits Mount Merapi eruption survivors. "Displaced people are so vulnerable to these diseases," said a Health Ministry official Supriyantoro Sunday, November 7. The refugees have received medical care in clinics set up inside the homes of refugees with the most serious cases are sent to local hospitals, Mount Merapi refugees were not forced to pay for medical care. 45 hospitals and 100 health centers were serving victims of Mount Merapi eruption in the districts of Sleman, Klaten, Magelang and Boyolali, he said. "But we (health professionals) have difficulty taking care of health problems' of refugees, as many refugees moved from one shelter to another." When asked about medical supplies for refugees, especially those with severe burns, said supplies were insufficient, but the situation could be addressed and overcome.
Tuesday, November 9, Red Cross of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla has encouraged the development of a curriculum to assist in disaster preparedness for natural disasters ("ADA Haruz kurikulum kebencanaan") through continuous training and education.
Reported that 320,000 people were evacuated to emergency shelters on November 9 following the extension of the evacuation zone in the previous week. Many children were separated from their parents because of the chaos surrounding the mass exodus of refugees fleeing the slopes of the mountains and refugees living in crowded temporary shelters after being ordered to evacuate-20 mph zone danger "" around Mount Merapi. "We are concerned about children who have not yet joined their parents," said Makbul Mubarak, a coordinator of volunteers who are trying to reunite separated families.
A 100.2 FM Radio Merapi Response "talk show" presented the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the head of the BNPB, Dr. Syamsul Maarif, PVMBG chief, Dr. Surono the night of Nov. 11. A media center and call centers were also established groping to help close the information gap concerning information about current conditions and management of victims of Merapi. BNPB said that many issues and the media are misleading and irresponsible SMS and many children were in circulation. Since then, more than 350,000 people were evacuated to emergency shelters overcrowded. Thousands of displaced people are in limbo in camps are a real threat to their mental health. Supriyantoro, Director General, Ministry of Health for medical services, said his office had noticed that many of the evacuees began to show symptoms of mild mental health problems, which he said is not surprising, given the current situation. Preliminary results showed at least eight people suffering from severe depression and anxiety, while a man had committed suicide, apparently due to stress.
Thursday, November 18, the Government of Australia Department of Foreign Affairs issued a second update to its November 11 bulletin travel advisory acknowledges the announcement by the Indonesian authorities on November 15, reducing the exclusion zone of 20 km some regions around Mount Merapi. The exclusion zone was reduced to 15 km (9.3 miles) in the district (Kabupaten) of Magelang and 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) in the districts of Klaten and Boyolali. The exclusion zone in Sleman district, the city of Yogyakarta, has remained at 20 kilometers (12 miles). The exclusion zone does not include the metropolitan areas of Yogyakarta or Adisucipto International Airport, however, reported that the Indonesian government Adisucipto International Airport would be closed until at least November 20. Other airports in Java has been subject to periodic closure due to volcanic activity on Mount Merapi. The report recommends that the trip, or eruptions of the extent of the exclusion zone of the government of Indonesia could cause serious disruption in services of Yogyakarta and its surroundings. By the time the advice was issued Yogyakarta residents were still able to leave the city by road and rail, however, any possible extension of the exclusion zone are considered to have the potential to affect the availability of first choices. It was noted that there had been a deterioration of air quality in Yogyakarta ash falling on the city. It was warned that volcanic ash can cause breathing difficulties, especially for people with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis.
Social Welfare Minister of Indonesia, Salim al-Jufri Segaf November 19 announced that the government plans to end the period of emergency by the eruption of Mount Merapi disaster, Nov. 24. "We will maintain the emergency response period until 24 November. If the term is extended or not depends on the situation." Speaking to reporters at the Magelang district, said Mount Merapi evacuees could return home after the volcano was a "warning" was reduced. The Ministry of Social Welfare has distributed relief packages containing basic food and blankets for emergency response. After the deadline for responding to emergencies, the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) plans to begin implementing the programs of reconstruction and rehabilitation of victims of Mount Merapi. In mid-November, the eruption had damaged 867 hectares of forest on the slopes of the volcano in the district of Sleman, Yogyakarta, with material losses estimated at Rp33 billion. The damaged areas included the Merapi National Park, community forests and farms and plantations of local populations. Magelang district administration has decided to extend the emergency period, which ends on November 24, for an additional two weeks to 09 December, the alert status of Merapi still remained at the highest level in late November 2010. Prawoto Heri, the office of the District Disaster Management was quoted as saying that "there is still the possibility that some areas in Magelang be affected by volcanic debris."
Disaster Management Agency reported Yogyakarta in late November there were 500 cases of survivors of the eruption of Sleman district with less serious psychological problems, and about 300 cases in Magelang.

Volcanic ash cloud

Flight interruption

Successive eruptions and volcanic ash plumes caused extensive disruption to aviation movements throughout Central and West Java, in early November. Some flights to and from Bandung, Jakarta and only have been made and many national and international airlines suspended operations to and from those cities. Yogyakarta Adisucipto International Airport has been closed several times in early November due to poor visibility and ash falling on the runway, taxiways, aprons and terminals. Adisucipto International Airport is the third busiest airport in the island of Java and is about 13.5 Nm (25 km (16 mi)) south of Merapi. An Airbus A330-300 flights operated by airlines such as Garuda Hajj pilgrimage solo 19NM Adisumarmo International Airport (35 miles) east of Merapi and travel on the route from Batam to Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) is reported to have suffered ash corresponding to engine damage October 28. However, after having been informed of rubbing the tip of the blade and apparently not damaged by the ingestion of volcanic ash.
On November 3, Garuda Indonesia deviated from its point of departure for the pilgrims of the soloist to Surabaya to keep flights from a postponement of the volcanic ash eruption of Mount Merapi.
On November 4, Herry Bakti Gumay, Director General of Air Transportation, said the announcement issued to all airlines that operate flights to Yogyakarta will not retire until the alarm condition returned to normal. Transport Minister Freddy such numbers, speaking in Jakarta, said he had instructed the airline to carry out all flights through Java to the north or south to avoid Merapi. "We have already established alternative routes for all flights," he said. "It may cost more and consume more fuel, but safety comes first."
On 5 November, at 05:27 (UTC), the Government Office of Meteorology, Australia (VAAC) issued an Aviation Course Code Red Volcanic Ash Advisory and reported satellite images (MTSAT-2) information obtained indicates a volcanic ash cloud FL550 OBS extends 190 nautical miles west and south-west of mountain.Yogyakarta 's Adisucipto International Airport (JOG) was closed and flights were diverted to Solo Adisumarmo International Airport (SOC) to east of Mount Merapi. [86]
On 6 November the Government Office at 11:07 (UTC) Meteorology of Australia (VAAC) issued an Aviation Course Code Red Volcanic Ash Advisory and reported satellite images (MTSAT-2) information obtained indicates a volcanic ash cloud FL550 OBS extends 190 nautical miles (352 kilometers (219 miles)) to the west of the mountain. In Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (CGK airport) Airlines canceled 36 flights on 6 November to worry about volcanic ash. The Office of Disaster Management reported that Indonesia's Merapi volcano ash fell in Jakarta and in some nearby areas such as Bogor and Puncak on Saturday night November 6, but only very slight fall.
For the November 7, the Volcanic Ash Advisory issued by Darwin Aviation in Australia reported the volcanic ash cloud "in FL250 OBS extends to 100 nautical miles west." The fighting in the cities near Merapi in Yogyakarta, Solo and Bandung have been affected by concerns of ash in the air around the mountain and blowing from the plume of ash in the mountains west and southwest of Merapi. The closure of smaller airports near the volcano has delayed the arrival of burn cream and fans for those whose skin and lungs have been damaged by the escape of ash and volcanic heat. The VAAC red code status was granted again to that day, describing an ash cloud that extends to the west, 120 nm (222 km (138 miles)), recent observations in progress at 08:30 (UTC ) 14:30 local time in Yogyakarta.
In Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (CGK) airline canceled 50 flights Sunday, November 7 and 36 flights canceled, November 6 to be concerned by volcanic ash. Many international airlines halted flights to the capital, but some companies resumed some flights on Sunday, November 7. Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta airport normally handles about 900 flights a day and a spokesman for Soekarno-Hatta airport, confirmed that the capital's airport remained fully open. The airline Garuda Indonesia and Lion Air flights being operated Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Garuda Indonesia spokesman Pujobroto news portal, "There has been no notification to the pilot so far by the aviation authorities said the airport is affected by volcanic ash. Therefore Garuda continues its activities" .
Domestic flights to and from Yogyakarta were canceled by Garuda Indonesia: 15 departing flights (7.8 of arrival), Lion Air: 4 departing flights (3/1 arrival), Batavia Air: 2 flights of output (1 / Arrival 1 .) AirAsia (Malaysia) had suspended flights to Yogyakarta and Solo and SilkAir (Singapore) had suspended operations only. Airport operations in Yogyakarta Adisucipto airport had been closed or suspended several times due to concerns from the rain of ash and limited visibility. Sriwijaya Garuda and Air canceled all flights to Yogyakarta to 9, due to the ash cloud November. Pujobroto, vice president of corporate communications, Garuda Indonesia has announced that the flight conditions between Yogyakarta and Solo also remains uncertain, Yogyakarta flights will not be diverted to the family and reiterated that there had been no official statement that the airport Soekarno Hatta was affected by volcanic ash from Merapi and was not closed. "Garuda will continue its services to domestic and international flights from and to Soekarno Hatta airport." [92]
Air Transport Department Director General Herry Bakti November 8 announced that flights in and out of Sukarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta returned to normal.

Thursday, November '11, the ash continues to spread in West Java and Jakarta fell by just under Volcanic Ash Advisory Center according to Darwin, Australia. Flight activity at the airport in Jakarta was normal and the Yogyakarta airport was closed until Monday 15 November. On the morning of November 11, the volcano was expelling ash 1,000 meters (3,300 feet) in the air. High level clouds were observed over the Indian Ocean and is believed to be carrying the volcanic ash. A code red, aviation signal and continued to 16:41 a cloud of volcanic ash seems to have been extended to 25,000 feet (7,600 m)-FL250 extends to 150 nautical miles (240 km 2.4 x 1011 ml) West. It was noted that day traveling 150 nautical miles (240 km 2.4 x 1011 ml) north-west as it did the day before. The volcano was observed in 4 to 8 November by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on Aura spacecraft NASA, and the images showed a cloud of sulfur dioxide released into the upper troposphere. Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas that can harm human health and the Earth's climate cool. Besides increasing the risk of acid rain, the ions can react to form particles that reflect sunlight. On November 9, 2010, the Center for Volcanic Ash Advisory Darwin, Australia, also reported a cloud of sulfur dioxide on the Indian Ocean, between 12,000 and 15,000 meters (40,000 and 50,000 feet) in the upper troposphere.
The Government of Australia Department of Foreign Affairs issued a travel advisory bulletin on November 18 stated that the exclusion zone in place at that time did not include the metropolitan areas of Yogyakarta or Adisucipto International Airport. The government of Indonesia has indicated that Adisucipto International Airport will be closed until at least November 20, while other airports in Java has been the subject of periodic closure due to volcanic activity on Mount Merapi. It was also noted that there had been a deterioration of air quality in Yogyakarta ash falling on the city. It was warned that volcanic ash can cause breathing difficulties, especially for people with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis with a warning also that volcanic activity on Mount Merapi has been steady and could take to promote disruptions in international and domestic flights to locations throughout Indonesia. Acting on information from the images Darwin VAAC MSTAT November 19 reported an ash cloud observed at an altitude (15,000 feet (4,600 m) - F150), which extends 40 nautical miles (75 kilometers (47 miles)) to the west of the mountain. (VAAC) of L 'Aviation Volcanic Ash Advisory red code alert was applied (UTC) 10:50 advisory, raised by a code orange, previously released at 06:36 (UTC).

Effect on Borobudur

Borobudur, a Buddhist temple of the eighth century, and one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, has been strongly influenced by the eruption in early November 2010. Volcanic ash from Mount Merapi, fell into the temple complex, which is about 28 km (17 miles) west-southwest of the crater. A layer of ash up to 2.5 cm (one) fell in the statues of the temple during the eruption from 03 to 05 11, killing nearby vegetation, with experts fear that acid ash can damage the historic site . The temple complex was closed from November 5 to 9 to clean the ash fall.
Borobudur was once again "temporarily closed" for tourists from the morning of 10 due to continued volcanic ash fall in the month of November.

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